
Friday, 10 February 2012

Lemon Drizzle Fairy Cakes

6,6,6,3 is not my debit card PIN number, nor my squash club locker combination - it's my (not so) secret cake formula. You may have noticed from my Apple, Cinnamon and Sultana Cake recipe that my cake batter of choice is 6 ounces of the dry ingredients, plus three eggs. Well, in new money, 6oz is 175g; but more importantly, it is the magic measurement to create almost any flavour of cake you fancy.

Today, I fancy making fairy cakes to brighten up a dismal weekend of drizzly weather (hence, 'drizzle' cakes). You may think that fairy cakes are not a particularly 'manly' pursuit, but Mrs Ribeye will be delighted - and that's what counts.

These lemony treats could very well be made with any fruit of your choosing - just substitute the lemon zest in the batter for another fruit zest, chocolate chips, caramel chunks, fruit compote, nuts or marshmallows. The topping can be sugar frosted, melted chocolate, or a candied fruit - whatever you like really.

Cakes are always cheap to make. These little darlings come in at about 20 pence each. That's why bakers are all as rich as Croesus.

Makes 20 cakes


Lemon Cake Batter

175g self raising flour
175g caster sugar
175g margerine
3 eggs
Juice and zest of 1 lemon

Drizzle Topping

100g icing sugar
Juice of 2 lemons

Preheat the oven to 180c. Beat the cake batter ingredients together until light and fluffy. Transfer spoonfuls of batter to individual paper cases on a baking tray, or a muffin tin. Bake for 20 minutes, until the cakes have risen and are golden on top. While the cakes are cooking, mix the drizzle topping ingredients in a bowl. Remove the cakes from the oven, and while still warm, pierce the top of the cakes with a sharp knife and pour the drizzle topping over the surface of the cakes. Allow to cool before serving.

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